
Changing Lives One Penny At A Time
Established May 15, 2015
At the young age of 7, Koedi Nealy was called into ministry. She shared with her parents that God wanted her to use pennies to serve others. Knowing that every penny mattered, Koedi spent her elementary years collecting pennies and talking to God about His plan for her collection. By 8 years old, Koedi recognized a need throughout Houston, TX for the homeless population. Once again, God showed her that just like every penny matters, so does every person. Koedi then began using her pennies to provide “Graced Packs” to people that didn’t have homes. Her goal: to share the love of Jesus to people by meeting their basic needs at the moment. The mission of Graced Ministry is to change lives one penny and one conversation at a time. Homelessness is a circumstance, not an identity. To be the hands and feet of Jesus means to love on people no matter their circumstance.